The Mute Swan herd numbered 575 on the 11th (WeBS count day), with a similar number present all month, along with the resident Whooper Swan and up to three Black Swans.
The Canada Geese flock numbered 68 on the 11th, with a similar number present all month along with a single 'Dark-bellied Brent Goose' (aka 'Russian Brant') on the 25th and a single Greylag Goose on the 23rd.
All the expected ducks were present with peak counts of 44 Shelduck, 28 Shoveler, 1 Gadwall, 4 Wigeon, 67 Mallard, 22 Pintail, 82 Teal, 20 Pochard, 103 Tufted Duck and 20 Red-breasted Merganser.
Highlights though were an unprecedented flock of 19 Garganey in-off the sea, then north, on the 1st, followed by a single drake lingering on the 28th; and four Long-tailed Ducks that settled briefly the 19th.
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Garganey, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Kev Butler |
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Garganey, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Joe Stockwell |
Three pairs of Oystercatchers were present on territory throughout; a Grey Plover was noted on the 4th; Ringed Plovers were noted on three dates with a peak of five on the 20th; and single Little Ringed Plovers were noted on three dates but with two present on the 28th.
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Grey Plover, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Joe Stockwell |
The first four Whimbrels of the year were seen on the 11th, with then near daily sightings peaking at at least 30 on the 27th; single Curlews were noted on six dates from the 1st to the 19th; The first Bar-tailed Godwit of the year was seen on the 6th, with then near daily sightings peaking at 100 on the 22nd; single Black-tailed Godwits were seen on three dates but with two on the 6th.
A single Knot was present from the 4th to the 6th; Dunlin were seen regularly from the 11th, with a peak of 30 on the 28th; only singles of Snipe were seen though, on the 10th, 11th and 14th.
Common Sandpipers were seen regularly throughout with a peak of at least three on the 15th; single Green Sandpipers were seen regularly from the 2nd to the 14th; Redshanks were present throughout, with an impressive count of at least 40 on the 6th; whilst following a single on the 5th Greenshanks were regular from the 23rd to the 29th with an impressive 15 present on the 23rd. The highlight though was a Spotted Redshank on the 6th and again on the 8th (the first since September 2019).
Redshank, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Redshanks & Teal, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Redshanks & Black-headed Gull, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Greenshank, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Greenshank & Redshank, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Greenshanks, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
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Spotted Redshank, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Joe Stockwell |
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Spotted Redshank, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Joe Stockwell |
Gulls & Terns...
The three regular smaller gull species were all present throughout, or at least seen regularly, with peak counts of 300 Black-headed Gulls, 7 Mediterranean Gulls and 60 Common Gulls. The three regular larger gull species were also present throughout, with peak counts of 50 Great Black-backed Gulls, 180 Herring Gulls, 10 'British Lesser Black-backed Gulls' and 3 'Continental Lesser Black-backed Gulls'. The highlight though was a (second calendar year) Glaucous Gull that flew southeast on the 23rd.
Common Gull, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Both Sandwich Terns and Common Terns were pretty much present throughout with peaks of around 30 of each on on several dates. Less expected though was a Little Tern on the 28th, followed by seven on the 29th and two on the 30th.
Sandwich Tern, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Little Terns & Common Tern, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Little Terns, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Other Water Birds...
The three regular rails were present throughout, with a peak count of 16 Coots; fewer Moorhens and even fewer Water Rails.
Great Crested Grebes were present throughout, with a peak of at least 35 on the 19th.
Both 'Atlantic Great Cormorants' and 'Continental Great Cormorants' were present throughout, with a regular mixed roost of around 30.
At least 23 Cattle Egrets continued to roost nightly during the first week but numbers slowly began to drop as the month progressed with 14 still on the 24th but only 4 remained on the 30th. Single figure counts of Little Egrets were regular but there were at least 10 on the 13th and at least 12 on the 20th; there were also of course daily single figure sightings of Grey Herons, with a peak of six on the 4th.
Cattle Egret, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Steve Groves |
Predatory Birds...
Singles of Sparrowhawk, Marsh Harrier, Red Kite, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl and Peregrine were seen fairly regularly and single figures of Buzzards and Kestrels were seen daily.
Highlights though were single Ospreys on the 8th, 12th and 19th; a Short-eared Owl on the 21st and a Hobby on the 23rd.
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Osprey, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Charlie Wheeler |
Other Non-Passerines...
Up to four Red-legged Partridges were seen regularly and there were regular double figure counts of Pheasants, Feral Pigeons and Wood Pigeons, whilst a few pairs each of Stock Dove, Collared Dove, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Green Woodpecker were also present.
The highlight though were the first few Swifts of the year on the last day of the month.
All the usual Corvids were seen regularly, if not daily, with a couple of hundred each of Jackdaw and Rook; 20 plus Carrion Crows; single figures of Magpie and Raven; and singles of Jay.
The first two House Martins of the year were seen on the 3rd and there were then fairly regular sightings through the month with a peak of around 20 on the 30th; Sand Martins and Swallows continued to arrive with a peak of 12 of the former on the 14th and over 30 of the latter on the 30th.
Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Long-tailed Tits, Goldcrests and Cetti's Warblers were all relatively numerous throughout, whilst 'Common Chiffchaffs' continued to arrive and peaked at around 50 on the 18th; a 'Siberian Chiffchaff' was seen on the 30th; Willow Warblers continued to pass through too and also peaked at around 50 on the 18th. Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Blackcaps also continued to arrive (but with no particularly obvious falls). Firsts for the year though were Garden Warbler (one on the 22nd), Whitethroat (singles on the 22nd and 30th), Grasshopper Warbler (one on the 28th) and Lesser Whitethroat (one on the 30th).
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Blackcap, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Joe Stockwell |
Wrens were relatively numerous throughout of course but surprisingly the only Treecreeper was heard on 9th and 11th (although probably present in Chapel Coppice just outside the recording area throughout).
Blackbirds and Song Thrushes were both relatively numerous throughout and at least one pair of Mistle Thrushes were seen regularly.
Robins were relatively numerous but the only Redstart was seen on the 18th; single Whinchats were seen on the 24th and 30th but with two were present on the 25th; four Stonechats were present on the 2nd but with then only one pair present for the remainder of the month; Wheatears were seen regularly with at least 10 present on the 24th and on the 25th.
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Wheatear, Abbotsbury Swannery, April 2021 © Kev Butler |
Several Skylarks were on territory as were a few pairs of Meadow Pipits, the latter also still passing over regularly in the first few days of the month, with at least 10 noted on the 2nd. At least one pair of 'British Pied Wagtails' were present throughout and two 'European White Wagtails' were present on the 2nd and one on the 9th. A single Grey Wagtail was noted on the 13th and single Yellow Wagtails were noted on the 12th and 19th.
Dunnocks and House Sparrows, were relatively numerous, although the latter as usual were mostly frequenting the very edge of the recording area in the cottage gardens of Grove Lane. The same could also be said of the only four Greenfinches noted but Chaffinches, Goldfinches and Linnets were far more ubiquitous, whilst single Siskins were noted on four dates in the first part of the month and Reed Buntings were relatively numerous throughout.
... And that's it for this post except to thank, Alan Barrett, Kev Butler, Joe Stockwell, and Charlie Wheeler for additional sightings and where applicable for the use of their photos.
May 2021 sightings to follow shortly.
Steve Groves.